July 4th Village Festivities, almost here!
By Sheridan Jones McCrae
Dickeyvillians; are you ready!?
Excitement is building for the 2024 July 4th Village Festivities. Event Chairperson, Anne Stoner, has been working hard these past few months putting together an action-packed schedule of events to continue our decades-long tradition.
This year the theme is “Dickeyville Takes a Hike: Celebrating America’s National Parks + Monuments”. The five-day celebration includes a dinner dance, golf tournament, dog party, garden brunch, community service activity, cocktail party, auction, history walk, picnic, family hike, monuments education, parade, swim, walk/bike session, and musical hootenanny. There’s sure to be something to suit everyone!
Event details are available in the official program which was hand delivered to all neighbors in early June. A digital version is available on the website in the Residents Retreat section.
Much gratitude to the volunteer crew of neighbors who’ve stepped up to host various events.
Check out our Visual Galleries to see the fun and shenanigans from past years.