Dickeyville Events Schedule
Upcoming village events.
Dickeyville maintains a thriving schedule of educational and social events including traditional annual events, regular community meetings, and other occasions including music concerts, art festivals, and expert lectures.
Annual Events
4th July Long Weekend Celebration
In July every year, a volunteer event committee organizes a four-day event celebration to commemorate America’s independence. The various events include:
Village Parade
Morning of July 4th, villagers march around Dickeyville’s central streets seeking prizes for costumes and performances. The commemorative occasion is recognized by an inspiring speech delivered by a local resident, followed by the national anthem.
Dinner Dance
With the main road closed to traffic, neighbors enjoy a potluck banquet dinner, followed by family-friendly live music and dancing under the evening stars.
Picnic, BBQ & Pie Bake Off
Opening + Closing parties, Auction, Pet event, and more!
Community Performance
Some years, when inspiration strikes, a community play is performed. In 2015, Dickeyvillians were fortunate to view a humorous musical performance, written and directed by amateur playwright Orbie Shively. The cast was made up of novice performers all recruited from within the village. In 2016, it was a unique Shakespearean performance in the park near the dam, with village actors receiving direction from international playwright, actor and artist Sam McCready.
Village Spring Clean Up
Residents gathered several times a year to clear up trash that accumulates on river banks and the village entrance roadside.
Pancake Breakfast
Each December, the annual Pancake Breakfast is hosted by the Dickeyville Garden Club hosted.
Chili Cook Off & Bonfire
Villagers gather by the dam each November to share soups and chili while vying for the top prize of Best Dish. The massive bonfire roars while neighbors mingle and dance outdoors, into the evening as local musicians play.
Halloween Village Trick or Treating
Each October, village homes get dressed up to welcome the family oriented trick or treaters from the village and neighboring communities.
Carol Singing
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, villagers gather and move door to door, performing a variety of favorite carols for their neighbors.
New Years Eve Progressive Dinner
To round out each year, a new group of three residents open their homes to neighbors for the schedule segments of Appetizers, Main Meals and Dessert & Champagne.
Other Regular Events
DCA Community Meetings
Dickeyville Garden Club hosts garden tours, lectures and meetings
Langenberg Lecture Series – several times a years, presentations are delivered by residents sharing their expertise in a topic of interest. Past topics included “The Aesthetic Value of Mathematics”, “Healthcare in America”, “Folk Ballads of the Appalachians”, “Improbable Excellence: The Saga of UMBC”, “Art within Walls: Artists and Musicians of Terezín 1941-1945”, “Interpreting the World”, “Guantanamo, Torture & the Law”, “Paralympic Sport: An Insiders View”
Ladies Night, hosted in various homes
Tuesday Coffee Mornings
View past examples of the thriving educational and social calendar maintained by Dickeyvillians.